Surgical glue

The synthetic glue is based on N-butyl cyanoacrylate, modified by adding a monomer developed by the manufacturer. It represents a pale-yellow transparent ready for use liquid.
GEM Italy
Viareggio, Italy
The chemical industries achievements have played a significant role in the new medical glues development that has allowed to expand the range and minimize the identified shortcomings in already existing on the market adhesive compositions.Each medical glue must meet the basic requirements (high bio adhesive properties, autosterility, lack of local, general toxic, allergic effect), have properties such as biocompatibility and biodegradability, as well as a set of individual specific properties that determine the greatest effectiveness of its use for certain groups of organs and tissues and should not interfere with a connective tissue scar formation and tissue regeneration.
Biological and synthetic glues are used in medicine. The glues based on biological materials contain proteins, but their use is associated with the allergic reaction risk and the infectious agents transfer. At the same time, the use of biological medical glues in cardiovascular surgery for complex surgical interventions is more preferable, since biological glues have high biocompatibility and elasticity compared to synthetic compositions.