Surgical meshes

This is a hernia surgical mesh that strengthens
the anterior abdomen wall. It is woven from untwisted polypropylene threads
that can take root in the human environment. The special weave gives the mesh
elasticity. An implant capable of mild inflammation
does not cause natural muscle contraction
Нижний Новгород, Россия
Endoprosthesis for all types of hernias use, except for IPOM plasty

Composite endoprostheses for inguinal hernia surgery

Drainage covering for laparostomy

Composite endoprostheses for inguinal hernia surgery

Endoprostheses for ventral and umbilical hernia repair

Composite endoprostheses for hernia surgery

Altaylar Medical
Ankara, Turkey
- Meshes are made of inert materials. A body perceives them easily. The Implantation proceeds without the inflammatory processes’ development and the allergies’ occurrence.
- They allow to get rid of hernial bulging forever (relapses do not exceed 1%)
- The prostheses are not palpable. They do not constrain mobility
- The hernial orifice is securely fixed with a strong material that fuses with native connective tissue structures
- There are no postoperative pains caused by tissue tension
- The patient is discharged from hospital on the third day. The rehabilitation period ends after 6 months